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Welcome 👋

Hey, it's Houck 👋I wanted to say thank you for joining as a Unicorn, and give you a warm welcome to the community.You’re in great company.Over 200 founders are already in (and waiting for you to join our community groupchat) — and results have been nothing but great so far.You’ll read more about it once you join the chat.Truth is between the courses, playbooks, the network, tools, and coaching/consulting you just signed up for — I can confidently say you just won back months of your time.And as you and I both know as a founder you time is your most valuable asset. Your founder journey is a rocketship, and this membership adds to the fuel.As a Unicorn member, we'll also be chatting each quarter for a 1:1. Set up our first 1:1 here.I’m looking forward to meeting you and learning about your startup.PS: Complete your member onboarding. This helps me know how to best help the membership be valuable.Thanks,